Sunday, May 4, 2008

Batgirl: Vince and Steph are gone

Vincent was turned into a baby while the Stephanie that's here is not my friend. her body... language is different... um she looks at me... like the Steph I know looks at Robin.

“You mean you don't remember our first date?" She asks.

I frown “No I like Vincent I'm not that way...Sorry."

"I keep telling you Anthony has made you forget! He’s trying to take over the world. And Vella is a blue lantern, and you got over Vincent after he slept with Supergirl."

“No we dated since ... then though... he's a little jealous of Kon... Since we dated first."

Steph looks weird. “Cass Conner's dead you need to stop mentioning him. I know he was you're first love and all... "

I roll my eyes. “He was dead... he's alive now ... dating Wonder Girl."

“Wonder girl is dating Tim Drake who quit being Robin come on Cass are you going to let Anthony use you like a puppet he’s torturing me because I'm the only one he hasn't brainwashed."

Anthony scanned her with something. “Just as I thought you Miss Brown are from an Alternate Universe. I wonder what our poor Steph is thinking right now.


"AAAAAHHHHHH CASS TRIED TO KISS ME! I"M IN SLASH FICTION UNIVERSE HELP!!!!!!" Vella why the hell are you wearing all blue and kissing Thad eeew I'm telling Jason! Oh wait yeah alternate universe. "

This Robin Steph... Attacks Anthony calling him a liar. Thad pulls her off then pinches her butt. “He she overreacts like our Steph." But I got something... weird from Thad he... seems worried. Since... when did he care about anyone but himself?

I get... tired of this, and go to Vincent's house. His mom fussing... over him.

“Bulma ... when are you... going to fix him?"

“I’m sorry but after all he, and his sister have been through already I don't want to try to strain them anymore. I'm sorry Cass but most likely he wouldn't remember you if he was grown again. You're young and attractive you can find another guy, but I will help with getting our Steph back okay?"

I wanted... to hit her... I can tell from his body language that he knows me. And poor Vella is sad.

I want to help my boyfriend and friend... I see her ring and lantern in the corner.... I wonder if I can get it work? Instead of trying it I say “Thanks .... For nothing."

That Night... I break in and look for the Dragon Radar... the Dragon Balls brought... Stephanie... back from the dead... It can bring Vince back to me ... and his poor sister... back to Jason... Jay... is lost in his ... anger again... Not talking to anyone and beating up criminals, that's all he does.

I can't find the Dragon Radar anywhere... could Bulma have thought ... I'd do this? Yes... She's smart. Well next I try the ring. All I can make it do is make my clothes turn green. It shouts. “You cannot use this ring you are not the assigned Lantern!"

Hn, dumb rings, has messed up my life I leave... But not before I whisper to Vincent... “I’m sorry... I tried." Outside I see Black Zero.

“Well Well MS. Briefs just who I was looking for. Oh wait you kept your Cain name didn't you? Doesn’t matter your offspring has wiped out an alternate version of myself, and made sure I’d ever rule the world so I'm going to kill you and make sure he's never born!"

Then some... Blonde Russian woman says. “Do not try to escape child."

I get on my knees “Why would I resist? ... I want to die."

{" What?" both bad guys ask.

“Every boy I've ever liked... has died... No one trusts me ... anymore after Deathstroke drugged me... No one cares if I die. Vincent has been turned into a baby... No one... will care if I die ... do it! "

He looks at the ... um building “She’s right! Vincent is a child again there is no way he can father Cain he'll be eight years old!' He stares at me. " Heh Well miss Cain you shouldn't just sit around waiting for him to grow up do what you were meant to kill, and screw anything that moves you'll enjoy life more then come Black Widow we will start anew in an another reality re build our army then come back to this one and conquer it as well!"

Jerk... I'm not acting the way I was when I was drugged. I go back to my cave... And sit until I hear “Auwnt Cass? Why does mommy say she don't know me?"

“Well actually it was ... said less ... well. “Gwen? That's not your mommy. She just... looks like her."

"When's mommy coming back?"

I hug the child. “I don't know." Poor kid cried until she fell asleep. I should... It's a good thing... Zero didn't kill me... Someone needs to take care of Gwen. Until ... we can find the real Steph.

The future... Outside a vehicle in New Gotham.

Huh I didn't think of that stuff for years. Well I'd better stop thinking about childhood traumas. My son Bruce has somehow been captured by the chronal police that that weirdo the Time Trapper has set up. I'm not letting a freak in a bathrobe execute my my kid. No matter what he's done he's still my child.

Haven't worn this Batwoman costume in years it smells like mothballs yuck. What was I thinking with all this yellow?

Wouldn't doubt Stephanie had something to do with it. I use a torch from my belt no not a flashlight ... a real torch and cut through the metal in there the soldiers are talking to that sick twisted version of my brother in law Mirai. “You know Bruce Cain Kind of looks like you sir."

“He should Bruce's father is Mirai's brother." They turn and I knock them both out before they shoot at me.

"Aren't you a little old to be playing hero Cassandra?" Evil Mirai mocks.

Aren't you a little bit of a rip-off to be alive? “I answer. “You’re not killing my son.

"Who's going to stop me? A housewife from Gotham who's trying to recapture her glory days? Bah!"

Actually I'm distracting you." I smile

And some goofy blast knocks him out of the vehicle. “House wife Bah! You've never cleaned a dish in your life."

"That's why I have you Vincent." I laugh

He rolls his eyes. "How's our brat?"

“Mom?" Bruce asks.

"It's Okay little one you'll be home soon Vince? Did you kill him?"

“I’m not sure Evil Mirai is alive I made him with that red ring remember? Damn it, I wish I can take back all the crap I did back then."

I rub his shoulder. “Everyone forgave you years ago. It wasn't your fault. That ring was evil."

"Yeah, But I never forgave myself all he crap he did to Justice... Oh uh his ki is powering up he's injured but not much."

He grabs me by the waist and scoops up Bruce. " Grandpa?" Bruce asks.

"I don't look that much like dad do I?"

“Don’t worry about it Baby just take us home." I smirk under my mask. I also hold back a giggle.


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Heh, as a baby he kind of looks like a monkeyboy.

Batgirl said...

He does not!