Yuck! I held on to my Cass protectively and growled. I don't it as just instinct I guess. Though from the whole Pantha thing I guess my father doesn't have that same instinct, or he's a pervert.
The other Vincent shook his head. "Why the Hell would you stick with Cain? When other girls have better bodies? And without all of those scars ick?”
This time it was Cass that let out a growl. I hold her tighter. “Watch what you say about my girlfriend punk." I look over and his silicone bimbo who has the brains of my baseball. "What I should be going with that?"
He laughs. “If you're me then yes."
I roll my eyes “Cass is the type of girl a saiyan warrior should go for. The scars prove she’s a true fighter." That and I whisper. “Her body language abilities make her the best lover you could want."
She hears me and slaps me. “Vincent!"
He glares. “What I'd expect from an unregistered vigilante."
I get up and into fighting stance. “You want me to kick your ass right now fascist?"
But oddly it wasn't me and him that started fighting it was the Vellas the Blue lantern one kept skipping round here talking about Hope constantly and irritated my sister. (And everyone else as well.)
The blue Vella giggled. “You are proof of the power of hope I mean you date an ugly powerless psychopath."
“Jason... Isn't... UGLY!" She punches Blue through a wall." She throws green constructs “And he's not psychotic!"
So blue and green constructs fought it out until the two girls started fighting each other normally, Tony and Alternate universe HS pulled them apart.
The Thads shouted “Don’t pull them apart! That was awesome!"
A Cass got my attention. I could just feel something was off not my girlfriend. “Um... Vincent... The other me... said ... said... you were... good... and we wanted to know... if you... I... Can join you. "
“What? You and Stephanie?" My eyes bulge.
My Cass grins “Not Exactly."
So some time later the robin Steph breaks in to this scene.
“Vince you bastard! I'll kill you!"
While Thaddeus puts a thumbs up. “Dude you're my hero!" At that time they all left the other Steph swearing she'd find a way to kill me.
Later our Steph kept telling us how she was glad to be back " Man Shiva wanted to rip my lungs out. Saying how I was not worthy of her daughter and stuff... it took everything I had not to cry, I finally convinced her I wasn't the one she wanted to kill. Poor other Steph is gonna get hurt over there. Well alright everyone give me a hug!"
I sat in the corner shaking my head. " You too tough guy, don't worry I have no interest in Cassie Mr. Porn Star, but after seeing you with your shirt off I may have steal you from her because someone's been working out." She teases.
“Yes well father makes me train under 300 times Earth's gravity I suppose it has made me less skinny. But Vella has trained under it too."
Steph grins “Yeah that explains how she eats so much and stays looking like she does."
"Hey!" Vella gripes.
“It’s a compliment my shoe shopping tag team partner." Stephanie reassures." Hey I've been back for several hours and Boy Wonderful hasn't welcomed me back where is he?"
Cass blurted out " Getting hit on by Gay bad guys.
“Gay what now? Never mind I guess bad guy is equal opportunity, but he hasn't mentioned me?"
“Um No... His body... language is strange... when you're mentioned."
She grunts and goes to the top of the roof and does this the rest of the night.
Cass wanted me to sleep here tonight so I go and ahead and call Dad Mom gets a bit weird when I mention I'm spending the night with Cass, Dad Just goes “Don’t do anything I wouldn't do, boy."
“What won't you do?" He just laughs.
Cass hugs me “I missed you when you were ... a baby... And you were all crazy with fake... Steph here... I was just... wanting to ask... you not... to leave me again."
I had no control over the red ring thing, and I don't want to lie to her. “Cass I can't guarantee anything, but I'll try to stay with you and keep you happy as long as possible."
All I get in answer is a loud snore. You know the loud snoring is probably the only thing I'd change about her.
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