Sunday, March 30, 2008

Inertia: This is the Meme that doesn't end.

This is just rich Cassandra and Iron wuss are tryin have tied Vincent down and are making him get a haircut hilarious.

Opps , looks like she cut a little deep. Heh. Then Spoiler walks up to me acting all sweet, I know something's up. She never acts nice to me.

" Hey Thaddeus. " She draws my name out intentionally.

“Whattya want?" I sneer.

“Oh Nothing you've been tagged villain boy. By Nightwing She runs off laughing.
A meme huh? An ancient form of torture. Oh well.

List seven random things about yourself that people may not know.Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.Post the rules on your blog.Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1: I'm a clone of Kid Flash Though I don't have his Superboy lovin' tendencies. must be the extra Thawne blood.

2: I was created in the 30th Century; I came back here to defeat Bart.

3: I quit because I hated how my grandfather, used me as a weapon.

4: The only reason I was in Titans East, was because Slade was feeding me Velocity 9 a super speed drug, that and the hot girls.

5: This team has some hot chicks too which is why I stay around, that and they don't try to kill me.

6: Ya know some of my villain friends think Cassandra Cain is ugly. They ain't seen her like this.

I don't know if her little phase was because of Dionysus, she just didn't know she wasn't supposed to run around nude, or if she's secretly a dirty girl, but that was awesome! So I guess I get a little vengeance there Nightwing you tagged me , and I seen your little sister naked! Haw haw!

7: Vincent say he's gonna fix me up with a clone girl he knows we'll see.

1 comment:

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Well that certainly was enlightening.