Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Batgirl and Spoiler: memed

Spoiler: Okay this is a goofy meme that the Batman tagged us with.

List seven random things about yourself that people may not know.Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours. Post the rules on your blog. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Well Cass you want to go first?

Batgirl: Okay.

1: I like eating cereal while wearing sweat pants on the floor.
2: Vincent does this something... That I... like see he...

Spoiler: Woah girl! You can't be putting those kinds of things up on the internet.

Batgirl: Okay.
3: My dad sucks.
4: I hate being called..."One who is all."
5: I.. Rarely talk to my mother.
6: I…Um like the fact Vincent... doesn't stay dead.
7: I stole Nightwing's bo staff.

Spoiler: My turn!

1: I drive the Batmobile when Batman isn't looking.
2: My favorite mentor was Black Canary.
3: I'm a little pissed that Oracle has autopsy picture of me, and shows them to poor kids.
4: When I was Robin I once made Bats laugh no joke.
5: My mom is getting better.
6: I did not design my costume after Moon Knight.
7: Me and Cass are just friends I like Tim stop with the Fan Fiction damn people.

Batgirl: Why do you care?"

Spoiler: It's annoying!

Batgirl: Stop reading it!

Spoiler: It's all because no one thinks I'm good enough for Robin!

Batgirl: While she... um rants. I'll just say I won't um tag anyone.


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...


Nightwing said...

You think you have a fanfiction issue?
If I'm not with Tim (INCEST!) then I'm with Roy (Harper) or dare I say it...Bruce (I think I threw up in my mouth a little!).

Heck if anybody should feel annoyed it's really Tim he's paired up with me (INCEST!), Conner, Bart or both of his teammates and even Bruce.

Oh and Inertia, you've been tagged!