Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Slobo:Spoiler got fraggin' lucky

Well What can I say? Anita talked me into takin' Superbrat's place in the Teen titans a while back. She was sayin’ “You can't just sit around on your ass eating potato chips Mon."

And ya know what it wuz kind of fun, and a little nostalgic bein' back with some the Young Justice members. Though many of them changed poor Wonder girl And Robin seem to have lost a little sanity.

Bart was the same kid with a girlfriend now. Then he died. What I saw of Kon. Well he's kinda the same Though now he seems to be maskin' the knowledge of his own mortality by actin' stupider than usual. Now there's two of them O' the fraggin' humanity.

So I got a taste for it again after my short Titan stint. And I went into this team Legacy Thing maybe we should the name but whatever, looks like the recruitment thing was part of a lovers spat between batgirl And the Half saiyan Boy.

Now that just fraggin' weirds me out. I know I only saw Batgirl a couple of times sure, but she was always stand offish, and not very talkative Now I walk into a room, And there's a chance I get to see a Saiyan/Human nature special goin' on.

Man I did not want to know anything about saiyan matin' unfortunately now I do . And if I wasn't afraid of dyin' I would try to stab the knowledge outta my brain. That And I don't get why But there's somethin' familiar About this Vincent guy, probably some lingering memory I got from Lobo.

His sister is nice maybe a little too nice to be goin' on dates with a clone of Superboy.

Ironlad is Iron Man with more hormones and that fraggin' scares me.

Inertia, Is like an Evil Bart that wants to see Raven naked.

Now Poor Spoiler She Just got the leadership role while the young Bat's away. She just kept sitting there mumbling “please don't let there be any bad guys , please don't let there be any trouble. " And then an alarm goes off. "Shit!"

Lucky for her it was like the worst Supervillian the world has ever know well besides that guy who could turn into ice cream.

"Beware the power of the Great Saiyaman's Arch Nemesis ! The Lecherous Lemur!"
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We all started laughing.

“Arch nemesis! You’re a joke!” Spoiler laughs.

“Uncle Gohan told me stories of you.” Vella snickers. "They were all pretty funny.

“Fools Saiyaman Is hiding from me! But I shall get my revenge by defeating his beloved students! With my lemur ray yes you will be my lemur headed servants! A big gun is dragged along by skinny henchmen.

“Iron Lad, Vella! Get to that ray and deactivate it!" Spoiler shouts. " Whoa where did that come from?"

" Hey Spoil girl What about us?" Inertia growls.

" Get those guns away from the henchmen, Slobo back up the tech heads, make sure they don't get ambushed from behind."

After a green blur all the henchmen are Weaponless I fought the lame guys that musta flunked out of Taskmaster's cannon fodder school. Until Vella announces "There's no danger!"

“You mean you deactivated it?" Spoiler asks.

“No she means there's no danger, and never was." Iron Lad confirms. "This things a big clock radio.”

The Lemur protests. “No! I am a genius! My weapon would have destroyed you!"

The golden armored boy pushes a button on it. "I'm bringing Sexy Back!" Comes from the gun.

All the onlookers chuckle. " No!" Protests the Lemur. " It's a trick! They Re wired it!"

“A transformation ray into a radio That would take me a least a couple of hours." Vella smiles.

“Okay Lemur Loser. Give it up before you get hurt you need to go back to jail now, though I'm not really sure what you've done but I'm sure you broke the law somewhere. "

“No! I will not be outsmarted by an eggplant Moon Knight with Boobs!" Oh Frag It looks he pissed off Spoiler.

“What did you call me? Oh it's on now!"

The Bastich had no real power, he just looked like a lemur, and could jump a bit , and maybe pick up a soda can So the outcome of this fight was kind of one sided, and sad.

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We get back to base, and Vella sniffs the air, seems she likes the scent , then acts like she snaps outta trance. “I got go see you later."

“Not the kind of reaction I was hoping for there." A guy dressed like an evil loilipop says comin' out of a dark corner. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

“Hey punk Vella has moved on! Let her be!" Spoiler Shouts.

“Oh soap opera I fraggin' love it." I grin.

Lollipop Man Shakes his head " Not here for Vella, and if she's moved on why do I know what her tongue tastes like? No. I'm here to see you."

" Eeew! No way in Hell Jason."

“Not what I meant. Any woman that'd find Tim attractive isn't for me. No Black Mask is alive, I just want know if you want to get a little bit of revenge."

She gets an angry look on her face. “Yeah let's go this had batter not be a trick Jay."

"Believe me it's not."

Well this team is gettin' interesting.


November Rain said...

Jason you really should have someone check your head

dont you know why you know what her tongue taste like?

you kissed her!

Anonymous said...
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Jason Todd said...

Yes Novy I'm not mentally disabled. I know but the fact she let me with all those powers, means she hasn't moved oon as much as Stephanie says she has.