Monday, October 15, 2007

Batgirl: Maybe I made a mistake.

Bruce... Is going to , um take away my costume. Richard, Tim, and Barbra are um going to hate me. Because I let that robot girl live.

But.. I saw something in there. She was alive And I've met person the .. trapped in the robot. Vic calls her um ... Ghost in the machine.

" But that's all she is Cassandra, a ghost., the killer machine will resurface, and then go after whatever she wants. Then Stark will fight her again eventually she'll adapt to him, his armor with the Borg tech will adapt to her, I wouldn't doubt the Extremis has already mutated itself after being inside her tech. It'll be a super powered arms race until finally Armageddon."

" There is a living person in their Question..." I um respond. " You want me to let her die?"

He stares.. at me with no face. " Sacrifices must be made."

"You are just a teacher.. Sage.. Not a team.. member It was my um call. "

" And you made the wrong one!" He um yells. " I get that you don't want Vincent to kill but you could have just let Inertia do it."

" No.. more !" I walk out I won't.. hear anymore about killing. Though Inertia Had to zip in ans say. " Hey I can to still kill her now. I could just take her into the Speed Force, and let it vaporise her. She won't feel a thing. "

" NO!"

" Jeez must be that time of the month. " He smiles I punch, but, by the time my fist hits.. is wind, I hear him laughing. Why do we keep here again?

I see Steph on the couch reading newspapers, " Well this sucks!" She ... um declares.

" What?" I ask.

" Take a look." She throws it in my face.

" I.. can't read it." I tell her.

" Be glad. Let's just say everyone is making us look like dangerous psychopaths,and Iron Man as the guy who has to save everyone from the"bad" kids. Oh God! Tim's going to say he was right all along, and i shouldn't have joined a team, but retired, and worse I bet that one eyed Titan skank, is all over him as we speak. "

Vella starts singing " Someones jealous !" Steph starts throwing things. I go outside to be alone. I find Vincent outside petting a dog.

" Are .. you going to tell me .. how my um order was bad too?"

He shrugs. " Yeah like I can say anything after turning SS4 I saw everything as prey. Well except you. It seemed everything I felt was amplified in that in form.. Especially how I wanted you." He grabbed me. "I don't care what any one thinks you made the decision because of your good heart. It's one of the things I love about you."

A voice um makes us stop kissing. " Vincent I would like to talk to Cassandra alone.

"Your here to take away my costume?" I ask.

" No. I heard the true story, And I'm proud of your decision. We try to preserve life, and don't act as Judge and jury. if you need any help just call me. " With that Batman leaves. Looks like I made the right .. order. So I can at least .. feel good about that.


Robin said...

I'm really, really, really proud of you Cass. So much so that I'm going to bring you Alfred's patened double chocolate chip cookies. Okay, technically they're Nightwing's double chocolate chip cookies, but he probably won't notice.

SHI said...

I am proud of you too, just be careful

Robin said...

However, I may need to have a word with Stephanie over insulting other people.

Especially when said people are quite violent, more skilled and in general a FAR better fighter.