Monday, November 3, 2008

Inertia: And lo though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death.

Well this sucks. Some monster of a Bat fan boy got the Cosmic Cube. “it talks to me it understands." The loser rambles. “You weren't good enough to be Batgirl! He points to Cass. “You were meant to be a killer you should have never fought against your nature. I fixed the mistakes of the past. I fixed the real Batgirl Made sure Robin didn't die..."

" Oh Good Lord." Babs rolls her eyes. “He’s a fan boy great."

The Question s whispers back. “A fan boy with the power to reshape the Universe. He looks back over to the Bat freak. “You can't keep the Cosmic Cube It's sentient. It'll only play along with you it gets bored."

“You’re a liar! You tricked that cop lady into thinking you were dead. I won't listen to you! The Cosmic Cube is my friend!"

I charge at the freak but than I notice somethin' The Speed Force freaks out when I get near the Cube I'm knocked back. The rest of us get knocked away as well. Except for some reason Vella.

“Are you sure about this Ring?"

“Yes the energies are compatible."

“Okay.... She points her ring at the Cube. “In Brightest day in Blackest Unnngh!" Weird silver energy flows from the Cube to Vella. Her ring, and costume all turn silver.

Yeah don't ask me why she constantly changes it was like that before, but green. Any way she started strugglin'. " N... No evil... shall... ugh!" Great she's falterin' Man she's only a rookie Gl. When Kyle Rayner tried that charge from a Cosmic Cube trick he had the ring for a few years.

Then the ring says it. “Power over loading detonation in 3 minutes."

‘Aw man!' She yells I gotta get this outta the city release the power before it kills me/"

No way. I ain't lettin' Vella die even if she will just come back. I aw screw it I might as well admit it to myself. I ain't just attracted to her I got feelin's for her. It's why it tears me up inside every time I see her with that punk Red Hood.
I grab onto her left hand and pull the ring off.

Her costume melts to show regular clothes underneath too bad I was hopin' to get a little show. “Thaddeus what are you doing?" She protests.

I grab onto her and give her a kiss, Yes tongue! The pleasure from the kiss is soon replaced by the cosmic energy burnin' inta my hand causin' blood to spurt out. I grin at her " I always knew we'd be dynamite together." Then I'm miles away in seconds.

The weird energy radiatin' from the ring slowed me down. I got to the Ocean. And ran out in the middle no one here to be hurt but fish, and if we're all lucky Aquaman.

I knew I wasn't gonna make it when I did this as I toss the ring I feel the Speed Force go from me. Ah well Vella baby, Vince my pal, Creepy Batgirl , Spoiler, Iron Lad Slobo I do this fer you guys, and even you Justice "Dogface" Briefs.

The cosmic energy explodes. Burnin' me up after the excruciatin' pain, everything starts goin' dark. Last thing I see, id Vella's ring fly back to her.

Then it's weird I was back at the battle site. Cass gets up “You Kill people because you ... don't like how they save people? you killed Vincent.. Just because you don't like me. Now I'll punish you..."

The Bat freak holds up the cube “How are you going to do that while I have this?"

The Cube starts talkin' “You know I think it'd be funny if you get beat up by a girl."

“What" The monster yells. “She couldn't beat me without you I have super strength!"

The Cube glows “Prove it. If she wins I turn everything back. You win you get to alter reality how you want." I dunno I ain't ever seen the little bat so pissed. I think it ain't gonna be so easy as the monster in the bat suit thinks.

I try to tell Vella I'm okay but I notice she ain't hearin' me even with her enhanced hearing. I try ta touch her, and my hand goes through her face. So I'm dead. Great.

This huge tunnel opens up in the sky and starts sucking me in. Grife knowing all the crap I did in life I probably am gonna see flames and pitch forks on the other side. Oh well at least my death was cooler than Bart's get accidentally shot by some rouge in a brawl Oh Grife I just thought. What if Bart is on the other side? Talk about Hell.

As if summoned by my thought, at the other end of the Tunnel is Bart, and that Superboy Clone, Not Conner, the other clone Van or somethin'.



Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Wow. Sucked in.

Kid Flash said...


I'm sooooorrryy for talking so fast but OMG we're going to be together and have so much fun and sugar and did I mention fun!?!?!?!?