Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Inertia: Stupid Titans

Now this is just great. After breaking up with Sun Girl who oh yeah just recently tried to get me into to some dumb Anti hero team lead by Deathstroke of all people.

No thanks I've had enough of Slade to last two lifetimes. Oh, and my ex runs around nude on the team yeah not wanting to go into that. Then I finally figure out Vella’s not going to work since there's a saiyan Prince in my time that looks like Jason Todd with spiky hair.

So I find myself a nice clone girl, well I guess technically she's not a clone, since she looks like this.

And the person she's gotten her DNA from looks like ...

Something's off on that story. Any way I actually impressed her with a date, and then this loser shows up.

Now at first thought it was Vampirella's adopted loser kid, but no it’s the Teen Titan's favorite place holder until somebody cool comes along Kid Devil. Or Red Devil, and he's ranting that I stole his girl.

Laura looks like she has no idea what he's babbling about.

“So I slam into the freak, at mach 2 " Hey maybe she just forgot about you, you're one of the most forgettable Titans after all."

He recovers from the punches, and shoots fire from his mouth, “You freak! You did something to her mind brainwashed her."

I easily dodge the flames. “Sorry I don't need to brainwash the ladies. That's more a thing for some one who looks like well... you! Well that and you have extremely bad breathe! Phew!"

I try to slam him with a hundred super speed punches but he opens some kind of portal, and jumps in. I didn't know he could do that! He appears behind me, and knocks me down. With a super strong fist to the head.

" Undo what you've done villain or you'll burn in Hades" he demands. I almost laugh at that corny line.

Laura springs on Devil boy, and claws at his chest. "Leave him alone!" great saved by a girl, that'll help my rep, oh well at least she's a superhero. While he's grasping his chest, and whining " Why? Laura Why?" I hit him with those hundred punches I wanted to sproking land before.

As he's falls out I ask Laura what was that all about? She falls into Wolverine speak as she sometimes does.

“I ain't got no clue darlin' ".

At this pint I was thinking of leaving hanging off a flagpole on by his under wear when The Teen Titans show up. Apparently from their chatter with each other Miss Martian Kid Devil get knocked out with her telepathy.

KD apparently recovers enough to babble his crazy theory that I somehow brainwashed X-23. So they trip over each other trying to capture me .Laura takes a flask out of her pocket along with a lighter, spits whatever the liquid is into the small flame, causing an a big fire ball to hit Miss Martian, well one down.

" Wonder Girl orders " take down lil' miss Wolverine too!"

I knockout Bombshell while dodging Static’s blasts I could either run or defeat most of these losers with my speed, except for the guy I was cloned from Kid Flash. we're exactly as fast well he may be a bit slower from his bun knee, but still he's fast enough to stop me from taking down another Titan.


"SINCEWHENISITACRIMETOWANTALITTLEFEAMALECOMPAIONSHIP?SHE'SWITHMEOFHEROWNFREEWILL." I putter only one thing to do now get beat up by Bart slowing me down long enough for that meat head Superboy to take me down or call in Legacy. I choose the latter.

I distracted The Titans for a until my guys go there. And I hoped beyond hope that someone other than Spoiler got the SOS she's been well dumb lately. I lost it it when Superboy grabbed on to Laura, putting her in a bear hug.

I race at the Kryptonian clone and I'm caught by his damn Tactile Telekinesis. Right before I'm punched by Wonder Girl a blast knocks down Superboy, and dodge just in time then a big green wall appears between us, and the Teen Titans.

Legacy finally shows up. And then the bickering starts between the two teams. . Wonder Girl bitching, at Vella for sleeping with Superdork, Ironlad actually making a joke. " Don't you Titans have some crisis where half your team dies to go to? Or are you all going to whine for half an hour about how tough it is too have super powers?"

Vella says something about how Wondergirl would feel how it'd be like to fight her when she's actually fighting or something.

Skaar growls “Can we stop talking, and kill them now?" I'm starting to like the big green monster. Supergirl Stands between us both “Okay let's stop with the fighting, and until we know what this is is about."

Spoiler who's all the sudden dressed in a weird Batgirl costume pipes in.

“Yes Norman Osborn is in jail, Captain America runs SHIELD, and this is a good time to be a superhero, so let’s not ruin that by fighting each other. Blah blah blah... “Okay I tuned out she was boring I see why Drake dumped her now.

Kid Devil sobbed out his little paranoid idea now. Miss Martian looks at Laura, and does her mind mumbo jumbo. “She’s not being controlled but she does seem to be missing memories..."

“Oh yes... That well I was shot in the head a while back." She shrugs before lighting up a cigarette. “Nothing important was lost."

“You don't remember our whole relation ship!' Kid Devil whines. He then rubs her face" but maybe we can get reaquainted."

She punches him in the balls. “Next time ya touch me I use these " SNIKT! Logan's either a really bad influence, or it's genetic she's going to be wearing cowboy hats next I just know it.

Maybe that's not a bad thing. Any way the Titans start to leave carrying the wounded Kid Devil off Wonder Girl just has to let off one last snide comment. “You know Cassandra, If you weren't Tim's little sister I would have put your crazy, ass down with the rest of your band of misfits."

" Um... Cassie... Someone with Uh... two personalities shouldn't be calling ... me crazy... I was drugged ... by Deathstroke... for ... my evil time... what's your excuse for your.. bitchy ... time?"

Zinged by Batgirl wow! The Titans leave, and then Spoiler says. "Hey is that the X- mansion over there? SQUUUE OH man Wolverine is probably there I'm so gonna hit on him!"

Oh great she's a fan girl , that just pisses off Laura who chases after Spoiler and is probably going to kill her I guess it's too bad Steph has already reproduced so taking her out of the gene pool is useless.

I run up Laura to and I'm slapped away man she gets angry when some woman she doesn't like look at her "dad"

Vince shouts “Ha! Rejected!" Not in the mood for his friendly ribbing right now, at the moment Bart races up to me " Hey wanna race?"

“Sigh Why not? What I had planed for today was just shot." Worst date ever.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Supergirl ; Fighting Hulk JR.

Okay so here it is we all thought Batgirl sent us to stop the rampages of the Hulk's son Skaar, instead she wants to recruit him into Legacy!? Is it too late to vote for a new Leader? I mean I'm all for redemption but this.... Then we get attacked By the “Dork" Avengers, kiddie club, with Iron Patriot, and Daken after we totally trounce them Skaar attacks both sides.

And like good little bad guys pretending to be good guys Norman and his flunkies run away well except for Daiken. Vincent beat him senseless. Perv deserved for trying to manipulate us with his pheremone powers, probably was going to try, and get us to act like those dirty movies Kon has under his bed. EEEW!

The first one of us to fight back was Inertia, That kid creeps me out he's like Kid Flash but twisted. The Speedster tosses rocks faster than sound at the hulk kid knocking him back until turns all like rocky himself.

Then the ground starts surging, and Inertia trips on it “Can’t run fast with any ground huh”? Skaar growls before slapping Thad out. Cass tries to order us all into a real strategy. Instead Iron Lad just flies into Skaar. Firing all of his blasters.

The Blasters stun Skaar long enough for Anthony to punch him into a mountain, knocking it in half. All this does it did was get Skaar mad and he leaps for Anthony way too fast for him the armored teen to react. The green Goliath snarls." My dad, and yours have fought many times, I'll win just like the Hulk did."

Anthony yells " Tony is not..." Before Skaar tears into his chest plate. That thing on his chest the Uni beam knocks Skaar away while Anthony starts frantically repairing the chest plate he sounds like he's in danger somehow.

Vincent slams into Skaar bragging about how he's the strongest member of this team. He Knocks around Skaar pretty well. He breaks that rock stuff over the gamma freak's body, bruises him up some, and fires those blasts that I never remember the names too , and he goes through all the screaming transformations.

This works pretty well for Vince... until he gets slashed with Skaar's sword. What is that thing made out of to be able to cut into a saiyan? Didn't kill him just left a huge bleeding scrape.

But this makes Cass go ballistic. She jumps on the green steroid using looking kid. And hits him without breaking her hand that kind of surprises me what's weirder is she kind of sort of hurts Skaar.

Well more like annoys him.

What's odd is she lands a few more kicks, and punches leaping out of his way until finally he catches her with the wind from one of his punches. She smashes intoa group of boulders, and instead of being splattered on them she just gets a little bruised.

Spoiler runs up to Skaar “If Batgirl can punch you so can I!" Spoiler throws the a right cross and a loud crack sound comes from her hand, the moment it hits Skaar's chin. “AAAH! It's like punching a brick wall AAAH!" Okay I’ve often wondered about Cass not eing human, I’m beginning to thin I was right with those green eyes she may be a Skrull.

I'll think about that later right now I charge in with Vella, and the two of us start smacking Skaarr she creates all kinds of constructs while I beat on The Hulk boy, He Growls At Vella " you'd be nothing without that ring."

She transforms to Supersaiyan something or other and body slams him into another mountain that crumbles around the two. She shatters the rubble fighting, and he grabs her tail. “Aw come on my dad evolved past the tail weakness, and I woulph!" At that second he pulled her by her tail, and used the half saiyan like a club on all the rocks.

I have to admit it was kind of cool seeing the little princess knocked down a peg maybe she'll get rid of some of her arrogance. Whatever I stop the beating by Clothes lining The Beast then I punch him quite a few times at super speed he catches my hand and knock him into the stratosphere Lucky for me I can fly And I'm back there in a second " After that Punch a full on blast of Heat vision won’t kill you but I doubt even you can withstand it completely."

“I was born in fire woman! It can’t kill me!"

"I wasn't trying to but let’s try the opposite shall we?" I blow my freeze breathe and trap him in a block of ice. For like a minute he breaks out but he's sluggish.

I grin “Let me tell you something, Vincent may think he’s the strongest in this group but really I am." I hit as hard as I can Knocking almost off the planet I fly after him catching thinking it's over that his lungs lost all of their oxygen in his split second space adventure , I was wrong.

He slams his hands in my ears in the outer atmosphere messing up my super hearing with a "thunder clap". It would have been worse if there was more air but it was plenty bad. we fall back on the battle field with the force of two meteorites. Leaving a crater.

“That was dumb." I comment.

“It un froze me, and it hurt you he said leaping.

“Not as much as it did you Hulky." His leap ends with my fist in his gut. The rest of the team has recovered by this time and we actually act like a team o take him down, After he gets hit by a Infinite mass Super speed uppercut from Inertia that tosses him several miles we follow and he gives up.

" Ha! We could just keep doing this I'll get madder and stronger and eventually beat you! "With my strength , and Old Power, But I've seem what I wanted to see. Osborn's group ran like cowards you stayed and fought me I'll join you."

Cass smiles. “Welcome Skaar." To which the rest of us just stare in amazement this monster should be put away in the Phantom Zone, not one of us. But as we fly home I as Vincent to fly out side the ship with me he's eaten one of those crazy beans and gave one to Spoiler that heals them up my own powers heal me pretty well.

“So what you want to date me again or something? I'm taken." he smirks.

“Don’t flatter yourself, look Vince I don't want to alarm you but Cass may not be human she was probably replaced by a Skrull she did some stuff that’s not possible for a non meta, that and she has green eyes."

The half saiyan laughs. “Her eyes were always green, and as for the stuff she did well she's been pushing past her limitation lately with some help from yours truly. She's been training me for quite some time in the martial arts she knows, and I've been returning the favor."

“Huh?" I ask

" Guys like Krillian, Yamcha, Tien, And Videl, are all human but learned to use their ki, Cass doesn't want to fly or fire blasts she thinks that's stupid, but to get stronger, and faster well she liked that idea she'll never need those Adamantuim gloves again. she'll probably need to give them to Spoiler. Good thing too we're going to need all the strength we have when Skaar flips out."

“But he's a Legacy member now." I look skeptically

He smirks " There's an old Earth saying Kara ' keep your friends close but your enemies closer' Cass know if he doesn't take to being redeemed we have a good chance to stop him, Without the Hulk killing him."

Okay I guess I get the Skaar thing don't know if it's wise though. And I bet Bruce won't like Cass amping up well at least it's not roids.